Why We Are A Multi-Roaster Cafe

A multi-roaster cafe is simply just a coffee shop that carries coffee from more than just one specific roaster. 

For most of us, every day that we wake up and get the chance to take on another day,  we start our day by drinking a cup of coffee. It is that morning ritual we all have grown up learning. I think every kid at one time has asked their parents for a sip and the kid responds with utter disgust. Yet we are drawn to that jolt of lighting trapped inside that mystical brown water. But why? I genuinely ask myself that every day. Why do I or anyone want to drink bitter water for the rest of our days on this planet to get a buzz and a little boot-in-the-ass jolt? I have to assume that there is more to it! Do we not know any different? Surely not. I mean, by now, everyone is aware that there are other offerings out there that taste so much better.  Are we telling ourselves a story that is just too extreme to change our course of action? I just don’t know. Do you eat rubbery eggs every day? Burnt bacon? Do you eat gross food that doesn’t taste good every single day? (I guess, maybe, if you are a person that puts themselves on weird strict diets.) This whole drink, something that is bitter, border-lined gross, and has zero favorable flavors, baffles me. Did I always drink coffee? Nope- and for this very reason. But the very moment I did taste a coffee that had exceptional flavor to it and it lit me up from head to toe, I became addicted. Yep, I said it; I’m an addict. Yes, I understand a taste is a matter of preference (like some people enjoy the taste of beer) but few people I have ever talked to say they enjoy the taste of coffee that isn’t of quality. I mean, people make millions of dollars producing special flavoring options for your coffee so that you don’t have to taste the actual coffee. People put so much effort to hide how bad it tastes. But what are we doing to ourselves?  I can’t shake it. And for that reason, Stitch Cafe has become a multi-roaster cafe. We want to offer diverse coffees that give you the best opportunity to connect with coffee. We truly want to help people get better coffee in their hands because we believe it will change your day. Once you connect with a coffee that you enjoy, you will never be the same person. It truly is electrifying in so many more ways than just that caffeine high we all love!

Here are some of the things we hear at Stitch about a person going from a coffee like pre-ground Folgers, Maxwell House, K-Cups, etc to a whole bean and what our response is:

  1. “I don’t know where to start.” We would love nothing more than to help you. Use us as a resource, ask us all the questions!

  2. “There are so many options.” While this is 100% accurate and a daunting task for sure, we are happy to sit down with you and brew some samples to see what coffees you end up enjoying.

  3. “It costs so much more.” It does cost more and there is no way around this. On average, you are looking at less than $1.00 extra a cup (and probably less than that if you consider any flavoring, sugar, or dairy you traditionally add to your coffee) when switching from pre-ground to whole beans. Just switching is a big step in the right direction. Selecting a quality sourced coffee roasted by almost any “third wave” roaster will allow you to get a solid understanding of what this magical fruit can contribute to your everyday life. 

  4. “I have to buy a bunch of expensive equipment.” No, you don’t have to. Yes, you can buy a grinder, a scale (we are happy to weigh out portions size for you), third-wave water, and various brewing devices, but that isn’t a must. The only way to have a great cup of coffee is to have great coffee. Then we just learn a few basic principles and you are well underway to changing your coffee experience.

  5. “I don’t have that much time to invest.” Time is valuable, especially while trying to rush out the door- we get it. So at first, investing time into brewing your coffee will be required. But once you are comfortable with the brewing equipment you purchase, it will become part of your morning routine and eventually be an automated process. And then, you will have delicious coffee in your cup every morning without even thinking about it.

Stitch Cafe is always here to help you make that next step, switching from pre-ground coffee to whole beans. By being a multi-roaster cafe and employing passionate people within the coffee industry, we are certain we can find you that coffee. The coffee that you will connect with and will forever change you. So, let's chat. And lastly, we would love for you to add any comments or questions below to keep this conversation going because there is always something to learn from one another (and we would love to hear from you). Now, let’s enjoy the brew!